Monday, September 29, 2014

For Dafydd and Mahild, Upon the Occasion of Their Wedding

THL Colyne Stewart, September 2014 (AS 49)

From north land
Taken in the hand
For to love,
In late summer
They stand together
Under a dove,
They vow to share their life.
Now he husband, and she wife,
                        My soul is rife
                        With joy for them.

With friends aside
They feel the tide
Of others joy,
At the unity
In their community
None can destroy,
As cake is cut with knife.
Now he husband, and she wife,
                        My soul is rife
                        With joy for them.

Both kith and kin
They welcome in
Bonds are tightened,
Love wins last
When it is vast
And rapture ever heightened,
As they start another life.
Now he husband, and she wife,
                        My soul is rife
                        With joy for them.

Based on ‘Ab plazen’, an alba written in 1257 by Guiraut Riquier.

New Heirs

Sep 2014 (AS 49)

Septentria will have new heirs,
Chosen from amongst the players
Who love the land of snow-white bear;
Who will it be? That I can tell.

There are two who have the skill,
To lead the people, hand to till,
And can these high seats spacious fill,
Being Stinkeye and his Badrielle.