By THLaird Colyne Stewart, August AS 50 (2015)
The wolf pack came south from the northlands,
The wolf pack came down for the king,
The wolf pack came down from the northlands,
They came down their axes to swing.
The band of ten men went out onto the field,
To meet all in combat, Queen’s honour they’d wield,
The brave band of ten fought and bled in the fray,
In all but one battle they carried the day.
The wolf pack came south from the northlands,
The wolf pack came down for the king,
The wolf pack came down from the northlands,
They came down their axes to swing.
The sky rippled scarlet, the warriors sang,
As swords upon shields in glad victory rang,
Our Monarchs stand tall, raised up high by the throng,
And let the world know that the wolves won in song.
The wolf pack came south from the northlands,
The wolf pack came down for the king,
The wolf pack came down from the northlands,
They came down their axes to swing.
The wolf pack came south from the northlands,
The wolf pack came down for the king,
The wolf pack came down from the northlands,
They came down their axes to swing.
At Pennsic War 2015,
Ealdormere’s Unbelted team won the ten-man tournament for the first time.