By THLaird Colyne Stewart, March AS 50
I try to write, put pen to page—
The cat will not be silent, no,
The world outside won’t quell its rage,
And neither will it let words flow.
To make the verses brightly grow
I drown the noise in quiet thought,
And work despite the to and fro,
To find the peace in words I sought.
as a huitain (pronounced wit-tain), a 15th century 8-line strophe
with 8-syllable lines (French) or 10-syllable lines (English). It used three
rhymes with one of these appearing four times and with the same rhyme for the fourth
and fifth lines. The huitain could be a stand-alone poem, or used as a unit in
longer poems. Sometimes multiple poets would each supply hutains to make a
longer piece.
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